Climate Change By:Oswaldo R.

During these times of quarantine, people are told to stay inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although COVID-19 is on everyone's mind, there are other things we should be worried about. One such thing is climate change and why we need to start doing something to

stop before it destroys us. This paper will discuss carbon dioxide production and how it affects

climate change, and what you can do to help stop it. Also if you don’t believe climate change is real, I hope I can change your mind on it.

Now in case you are unfamiliar with what climate change is or what it means, let me explain. Climate change is a change in the global or regional climate patterns that is unfamiliar. For example: if it suddenly started to snow in the middle of summer that would be considered climate change as that isn’t supposed to happen normally. There are many things that can cause climate change such as: the burning of fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, and the tremendous amount of carbon dioxide that is thrown into the air each day.


Some people may ask how greenhouse gas and fossil fuels affect the environment. Well like I mentioned before, carbon dioxide is thrown into the air everyday nonstop. Now how does carbon dioxide get into the air? Well with the burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases, because they produce carbon dioxide. You’re probably asking how carbon dioxide affects our environment and that question has a very simple answer. When carbon dioxide is in the air it doesn’t just leave or disappear, it in fact stays in the air and absorbs the sun's infrared radiation. Once it absorbs the radiation it stays there and keeps the heat in the air. This is very bad since the heat if not stopped will kill plants, melt ice, and keep us in an unbearable heat.

How can we stop carbon dioxide from killing us and our planet? Well there are many ways that we can stop it. For example: fossil fuels help provide energy and electricity, however, we are in a time where it is possible to use solar energy to power entire buildings. The use of solar panels can be expensive, but with enough support we can make it cost efficient.

Another thing that hurts us is the use of

gasoline because that also uses fossil fuels. Many companies(such as tesla) have electric vehicles that are improving each day to be more environmentally friendly. Now some of you might say that you can’t really do anything since you’re not an inventor or can’t afford more environmentally friendly items. That’s completely fine because you can still donate to organizations such as the one acre

fund bChMIyZ67p_Ok6QIVzMDACh1ZmwJiEAAYAiAAEgJf_vD_BwE .

To summarize, climate change is one of the biggest threats to our planet. There are many things that cause climate change as stated previously, however, there are just as many things we can do to help minimize it and make our air better and cooler. If you are reading this and are capable of doing something about climate change, please donate or fund to find more sustainable ways of getting energy without fossil fuels. Thank you for reading.